Monday, December 31, 2012

Doomsday Scenario 2013

In keeping with my Realist (not necessarily Pessimist) view of things, let me predict what might happen in the U.S. in the near future - very possibly in or by 2014. First, the U.S. Federal Government will run up an unimaginably huge deficit, its credit rating will plummet, and the dollar will become nearly worthless. The government will then, of course, be unable to meet its obligations as far as pensions and Social Security payments. China, India, and Europe will come to the rescue by buying American companies, industries, and businesses and hiring Americans to run them and work in them. The U.S. will have to sell U.S. territory as well in order to survive. The American Southwest will again become part of Mexico. As a result of several natural catastrophes, American food production will shrink to well below minimal subsistence levels. Millions will starve. Violence, political chaos, and social desperation will prevail in every American city. Millions will die from simple diseases. In return for total disarmament, Russia will help out with the food shortages. America's economic and military presence all over the globe will be scaled back to zero. This will plunge the entire world into a new dark ages for a short while. Europe will then take control of all Middle Eastern countries and will become dominant among world nations once again. Prosperity will have disappeared but the world will have peace and security. I might, of course, be way off the mark. Pay no attention to me. 

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